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My proposals for Pascal

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These are my proposals for Pascal but some ideas are applicable for other programming languages as well.
I had most of the proposals posted in a talk of Modernized Pascal and/or in the development forum of Free Pascal.

Comments or questions? E-mail:

(To top) Optional trailing separators and empty lists

In many cases it makes sense to allow an additional trailing separator as well as allowing for empty lists, especially when dealing with conditional compilation. As an additional benefit it makes it easier to move around lines of code.

Here are some (more or less stupid) examples:

// no hassle with the last comma, empty uses (if neither x1 nor x2 defined)
(*$ifdef a *)
(*$endif *)
(*$ifdef b *)
(*$endif *)

// empty case statement (if neither x1 nor x2 defined)
case expr of
(*$ifdef x1 *)
  1: write('x1');
(*$endif *)
(*$ifdef x2 *)
  2: write('x2');
(*$endif *)

// no hassle with the last semicolon: extensible parameters
procedure f(
  const s: string;
  x,y: integer;

// no hassle with the last comma: extensible sets / arrays

// no hassle with the last comma: extensible parameters

// empty type list (if neither x1 nor x2 defined)
// in some cases types must be in one block
(*$ifdef x1 *)
(*$endif *)
(*$ifdef x2 *)
(*$endif *)

There should be no problems concerning compatibility and implementation.

(To top) Enhanced numbers

What about better readable numbers such as 100_000 or $_1234_5678 (note the "_" signs)?

A number still should be started with "$" or a digit. All occurring "_" shall simply be accepted and ignored.

A base should be specifiable as well, e.g.

These ideas are stolen from e.g. Ada.

There should be no problems concerning compatibility and implementation.

(To top) Enhanced case for floats and open ranges

I would like to propose to enhance the case statement for floats. What is needed then is the ability to test for open ranges and half open ranges.

case float_expr of
  <2       : ;   // match all below 2
  >=2 .. <4: ;   // match 2<=x<4
  4        : ;   // match 4
  >4 .. <=6: ;   // match 4<x<=6
  8 .. 9   : ;   // match 8<=x<=9
  >9 .. 10 : ;   // match 9<x<=10

In ranges the left expression should be less than the right one and therefore the first relational operator should be ">" or ">=" and the second one "<" or "<="; if the operators are absent ">=" resp. "<=" should be assumed.

In Visual Basic .NET an "is" is added before the relational operator.

An alternative syntax idea could be ranges like 4<..<=6.

(To top) Enhanced case of string

The string-case currently realized in Free Pascal allows for ranges which is nice but in reality most often not what is effectively needed. Typically needed instead is a matching of string beginnings (prefixes). A more or less stupid idea for the syntax could be:

case str_expr of
  'match'.. :;  // match all strings beginning with 'match'

However the parser needs to be changed to accept the missing second argument of "..".

See also speeding up case of string and other chapters nearby as well as the chapters about hashing.

(To top) Half open array definitions

What about arrays with an unspecified upper bound such as this?:

  ta_byte = array [0..] of byte;

The lower bound 0 could be optional. No bounds checking should occur on such array accesses. The size of such type should be 0.

Example usages:

(To top) Explicitly discarding results

I often would like to explicitly discard a function result such as

void my_func(x);

The usual workaround is

my_func(x);  // using "extended syntax"


dummy := my_func(x);  // dummy is not used, this gives a hint

Both workarounds are not the best way to express the intention. There should be a way to allow for the new syntax and at the same time provide a hint/warning for the workaround with the extended syntax.

There should be no problems concerning compatibility (extra switch) and implementation.

(To top) Multiple assignments

May I propose multiple assignments, e.g.

a,b := 0;


a,b += c+d;

The right hand expression should be evaluated once and assigned (independently and in no particular order) to all the entries to the left of ":=".
The operator "+=" is a C operator copied by Free Pascal. In Delphi you would write inc(v,x). See below.

A variant of the theme is the assignment of multiple initialized global variables:

var a,b: integer = 0;

(To top) Enhanced replacement for assignment operators

I would like to propose an enhanced replacement for the special assignment operators +=, -=, *= and /=:

More Pascal-like would be constructs of the form "operator :=" such as

a + := 1;
a div := 3;
a or := b;
a xor := 3;
a shl := 1;

Together with my prior proposal of multiple assignments there could be stuff like below as well:

a,b + := c+d;
a,b shl := 1;

I am not sure as how to further enhance this to monadic operators such as "-" and "not".

The C operators can be thought of a composition of a binary operator ("+", "-", "*", "/") and the C assignment operator "=", so my solution should be the natural pendant in Pascal.

My proposal is to replace the operators "op=" by one operator "op" and a following ":=". This can be further enhanced to work together with my other proposal for multiple assignments.

a + := 1;
a + := pi; // float
a + := 'bla'; // string
a + := [1,2]; // set
a < := b; // booleans, this is ugly but should be OK (but not with C-style operators), see PS
a div := 3;
a or := b;
a xor := 3;
a shl := 1;
f()^ + := 1; // f might have side-effects!
a[i+j] * := 2; // @a[i+j] only evaluated once

a,b + := c+d; // c+d only evaluated once
a,b shl := 1;
a^.b[f(i)], c^.d[g(j)] + := h(k); // f,g,h might have side-effects, stuff evaluated only once

I cannot think of a more readable and more Pascal-like solution. For me the C-like pendants are less readable and appear to me as a too limited quick hack. The Delphi-style replacements such as inc/dec/include/exclude are even less usable since both assignment and the operation itself is no longer visible and to wordy. A new pseudo-procedure for every such operator is for sure not the best idea.

There are some reasons for my solution:

I object to the existing Free Pascal operators "+=", "-=", "/=", "*=" because:

Borland's alternative procedure notation with inc, dec, include, exclude is not better since they introduce a flood of global names and hide the operator nature.

The main reason for the proposal is not saving keystrokes but functionality and speed. It is meant to be an optimizing aid to the compiler being able to omit the common expression optimizer in this case without loss and to avoid side-effects. All parts of the statement should be evaluated once. Saving keystrokes and avoiding to write things twice are welcome side-effects.

This has also been the reason for including these: inc, dec, include, exclude, "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=".

I have often missed e.g. "* :=" and "shl :=".

Semantic of "a op := expr":

p := @a; // only once!
p^ := p^ op expr;

Semantic of "obj.prop op := expr":

p := @obj; // address of object, only once!
p^.prop := p^.prop op expr; // access property

Semantic of "a,b := expr":

tmp := expr; // only once!
a := tmp;
b := tmp;

Semantic of "a,b op := expr":

tmp := expr; // only once!
p := @a; // only once!
p^ := p^ op tmp;
p := @b; // only once!
p^ := p^ op tmp;

BTW: "a[random(2)] + := 1" is not equivalent to "a[random(2)] := a[random(2)] + 1" due to the side-effect of random()!

(To top) Standard attributes

Let me propose some kinds of type attributes which are handled by the compiler. They mostly have no consequences to the generated code but can catch several common programming bugs. I am not really sure about the syntax.

(To top) Calculations with offsets

(To top) Intro

Assume you have a record containing several fields where some of them have the same type, e.g. forename, surname, street, or city in personnel records. Also assume that you do not want to pack these into an array but nevertheless want to take the same actions upon them such as searching or sorting without repeating the relevant code, i.e. access them like array entries. There ought to be facility to specify a field (at offset o) independent of the used entity (base v). This is where my proposal comes handy. Under the hood, the compiler, the runtime library and especially the runtime type information deals therewith, but there was yet no corresponding high level mechanism to express it. The internal assembler features a similar syntax, albeit one which is not always evident and not without ambiguity.
Syntax example, see hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler:

  ta_integer = array [0..1000] of integer;
  tr_rec = RECORD
    a,b: integer;
    c: array [0..1] of integer;
  v1,v2: tr_rec;
  o1,o2: tr_rec ^ integer;  // offset type
  v3: array [3..5] of integer;
  o3: ta_integer ^ integer;
  p: ^ integer;
  o1 := tr_rec @ a;  // offset value
  v1.[o1] := v2.[o1];  // offset usage
  o2 := v1 @ c[1];  // another offset value (using type of v1)
  p := @ v1.[o2];  // another offset usage
  if o1 = o2 then  ...
  o3 := v3 @ [4];  // yet another offset value (array offset)
  v3[3] := v3.[o3];  // yet another offset usage

(To top) Comments

The syntax proposal overloads the pointer and respectively address operator. An alternative syntax might be "OFFSET tr_rec OF integer" and "OFFSET(tr_rec,a)".
The symbol pair ".[" denotes "access at offset" and should be applicable on records, objects, classes and arrays.
This allows fields to be addressed similar to array elements. It might help to speed up multiple array accesses on the same offset because the multiplication can happen earlier. In the implementation in assembler the offset is simply added to the base address.
Nested offsets might be accessable like nested arrays as ".[i, j]".
A simple overloaded "[" would do the job too but looks like an array access and thus hides that we apply offsets. Better be explicit.
There is no sensible default value as 0 might oder might not be valid.
In contrast to general offsets, these specialized offsets can not be added, subtracted or even scaled.
They should be comparable for equivalence (also via CASE statements); other relations are possible but rarely make sense.
The WITH statement could be enhanced to handle offsets as well.

(To top) Emulation and comments

You may emulate the functionality as follows:

  tp_integer = ^integer;
  ta_8u = ARRAY [0..maxint] OF byte;
  tpa_8u = ^ta_8u;
  tpr_rec = ^tr_rec;
  v: tr_rec;
  o: integer;  // tr_rec ^ integer;
  o := integer(@tpr_rec(nil)^.a);  // o :=tr_rec @ a;
  tp_integer(@tpa_8u(@v)^[o])^ := v.b;  // v.[o] := v.b;

As you can see, the emulation is easy but some nasty things are necessary: We assume that nil is zero and we use a cast from pointer to integer, and there are some more castings. An alternative approach using "extended syntax" (pointer arithmetic) is a little better:

  o:=PChar(@tpr_rec(nil)^.a)-PChar(nil);  // o :=tr_rec @ a;
  tp_integer(PChar(@v)+o)^ := v.b;  // v.[o] := v.b;

My proposal however is clean and type-safe and does not need any castings.
An alternative emulation involving dispatcher procedures/methods is as clean as my solution but many times more expensive.
ARRAY [0..maxint] as well as ta_integer from intro are examples of a poor substitute of a half open array definition.

(To top) Conversion

Offsets could be convertible to and from (unsigned) integers in order to make them applicable to general routines using untyped pointers and/or parameters. This is obviously as unsafe as other hacks such as pointer conversion but allows for things which are not possible otherwise.

(To top) Sketched example

Sketched example from intro text:

  t_relation = (less,equal,greater);

  tr_personnel = record
    forename: string;
    surname: string;
    birthday: date;
    street: string;
    zip_code: integer;
    city: string;

  tr_personnel_string = tr_personnel ^ string;  // offset type

  t_compare_personnel_string = class
    field: tr_personnel_string;
    function compare(const a,b:tr_personnel):t_relation;

function compare_string(const a,b:string):t_relation;
  if a=b then
  else if a<b then

function a,b:tr_personnel):t_relation;
  result:=compare_string(a.[field], b.[field]);  // offset usage

  fields: array [0..3] of tr_personnel_string = (
    tr_personnel @ forename,  // offset value
    tr_personnel @ surname,
    tr_personnel @ street,
    tr_personnel @ city);
  compare_personnel_string: t_compare_personnel_string;
  index: 0..3;
  compare_personnel_string := t_compare_personnel_string.create;
  // Select cities to be compared
  compare_personnel_string.field := tr_personnel @ city;  // offset value
  // Select streets to be compared
  compare_personnel_string.field := tr_personnel @ street;  // offset value
  // Select a string field to be compared
  index := 2;  // tr_personnel @ street
  compare_personnel_string.field := fields[index];
  // Assuming l_personnel contains a collection of tr_personnel.
  // Sort them according to field:

A built-in 3-way-comparison relation operator would be helpful for compare_string obsoletizing t_relation

(To top) C++ style method references

(To top) Intro

While Delphi's method references (delegates) are very handy and useful combining an object reference with a method reference, sometimes it makes sense to have a facility which does not combine these.
A typical situation is that you want to preselect a method which should be called for every object of a collection or when you want to sort using different comparing methods, and you do not want to duplicate steering code. As for offsets you can emulate this costly by dispatcher procedures/methods.
C++ supports only such a mechanism but the resulting code is not as fast as the delegates mentioned above because in contrast to these the method resolution (dispatching) is deferred to call time. Also, there is no way to specify the kind of the call which can be virtual or non-virtual; this would simplify dispatching. The deferred dispatching task can be solved by a flag and resolved at runtime or by using thunks. Multiple inheritance (especially virtual multiple inheritance) of C++ makes things even worse.
Thus, using this mechanism to simulate delegates is needlessly complicated and limited. In other words: Both, delegates and C++ style method references are needed.

(To top) Method types

Methods can directly be invoked

and can carry as additional parameters

The meaning of virtual and dynamic is effectively the same but differs in implementation.
Unfortunately and without convincing reason Delphi does not allow the very useful combination of static (misleading word) and virtual/dynamic. This asininity is also present in C++ and C# as well which even do not know about proper class references.

(To top) Syntax in C++ and syntax proposal for Pascal

Syntax in C++

Declaration: ret_type "(" class_type "::*" method_ref ")" "(" parameters ")"
Assignment: method_ref "=" "&" class_type "::" method_name
Usage via object: "(" object ".*" method_ref ")" "(" parameters ")"
Usage via pointer to object: "(" object_pointer "->*" method_ref ")" "(" parameters ")"


class t {
  int m(char x) { return 0; }
typedef int (t::*tpm) (char x);  // declaration of pointer to method type
void test() {
  t o;  // object
  t *po = &o;  // pointer to object
  tpm pm;  // declaration of pointer to method variable
  pm = &t::m;  // assignment
  int i = (o.*pm)('x');  // usage via object
  int j = (po->*pm)('x');  // usage via pointer to object

Syntax proposal for Pascal

Declaration: dispatch [class_type] "^" kind method_signature
Assignment: method_ref ":=" (class_type | object) "@" method_name
Usage: (class_type | object) ".[" method_ref "]" ["(" parameters ")"]
method_signature: (PROCEDURE ["(" parameters ")"]) | (FUNCTION ["(" parameters ")"] ":" ret_type )


  t = class
    function m(x:char):integer;
  tpm = absolute t ^ object function(x:char):integer;  // declaration of method reference type
function t.m(x:char):integer;
  result := 0;
procedure test();
  o: t;  // reference to object
  pm: tpm;  // declaration of method reference variable
  i,j: integer;
  pm := t @ m;  // assignment
  i := o.[pm]('x');  // usage

The proposed syntax is very similar to the one proposed for calculations with offsets. However, the mandatory keyword for the dispatching mechanism tells the compiler that we want to map methods instead of fields.
In the declaration, class_type is mandatory for object/class methods and optional only for static methods.
Applying class_type on usage (call) evidently does not make sense for object methods but can be used for static and class methods.
As an extension, class_type might be also an INTERFACE. Currently in Delphi only supports object interfaces for object methods of classes; here, properties effectively being syntactic sugar must be implemented by such methods. The implementation of method references via INTERFACE is essentially the same as for virtual object methods.

(To top) Semantic and implementation

As methods may be non-virtual, virtual and dynamic in Object Pascal, there are the dispatching styles ABSOLUTE, VIRTUAL and DYNAMIC.
In context with an object, these method references which point to regular methods (non-static) shall be assignable to delegates; likewise the static ones shall be assignable to procedure pointers.
The used calling convention is part of the method types. Usually, different calling conventions are incompatible and not convertible between each other.
When dispatching on VARIANT style method references one of the other dispatching styles are chosen at runtime. A small RTL routine can do the job.
To do this, some kind of flag must be stored along with the method references. Let us assume for 32 bit code that procedure addresses are aligned 4 (lowest 2 bits are 0) and VMT offsets may be signed but do not need more than 31 bits. DMT indexes already have an even smaller range (16 bit). Hence, I propose the following:
Lower 2 bits of VARIANT style method reference Q:

For 16 and 64 bit code similar assumptions hold or could be forced. As a last resort an additional flag could be used.


absolute static:
This deals with regular procedures within class scope.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
Please note that this special case neither needs a class nor an object and that the classic approach suffices as well but for the sake of regularity this form should be allowed too.
Usage: Via classic procedure pointers or as follows.
type t=class
  class procedure msa(x:integer); static;
  o: t;
  v_msa: absolute t ^ static procedure (x:integer);
  f: procedure (x:integer);
  o := t.create;
  v_msa := t@msa;
  f := t.[v_msa];
  f := o.[v_msa];


absolute class:
This deals with non-virtual class methods.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  class procedure mc(x:integer);
  o: t;
  v_mc: absolute t ^ class procedure (x:integer);
  fo: procedure (x:integer) of object;
  o := t.create;
  v_mc := t@mc;
  fo := t.[v_msa];
  fo := o.[v_msa];


absolute object:
This deals with non-virtual object methods.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  procedure ma(x:integer);
  o: t;
  v_ma: absolute t ^ object procedure (x:integer);
  fo: procedure (x:integer) of object;
  o := t.create;
  v_ma := t@ma;
  fo := o.[v_ma];


virtual static:
This deals with virtual static methods. For no reason Delphi disallows this. I assume here that someday it will be allowed.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  class procedure msv(x:integer); static;  virtual;  // disallowed by Delphi
  o: t;
  v_msv: virtual t ^ static procedure (x:integer);
  f: procedure (x:integer);
  o := t.create;
  v_msv := t@msv;
  f := t.[v_msv];
  f := o.[v_msv];


virtual class:
This deals with virtual class methods.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  class procedure mcv(x:integer); virtual;
  o: t;
  v_mcv: virtual t ^ class procedure (x:integer);
  fo: procedure (x:integer) of object;
  o := t.create;
  v_mcv := t@mcv;
  fo := t.[v_mcv];
  fo := o.[v_mcv];


virtual object:
This deals with virtual object methods.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  class procedure mv(x:integer); virtual;
  o: t;
  v_mv: virtual t ^ object procedure (x:integer);
  fo: procedure (x:integer) of object;
  o := t.create;
  v_mv := t@mv;
  fo := o.[v_mv];


dynamic static:
This deals with dynamic static methods. For no reason Delphi disallows this. I assume here that someday it will be allowed.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  class procedure msd(x:integer); static;  dynamic;  // disallowed by Delphi
  o: t;
  v_msd: dynamic t ^ static procedure (x:integer);
  f: procedure (x:integer);
  o := t.create;
  v_msd := t@msd;
  f := t.[v_msd];
  f := o.[v_msd];

Here, CallDynaProc is a new RTL proc.
CallDynaProc: Input: esi=proc, edi=class. Output: (nothing). Preserved: eax,edx,ecx.
  push eax
  push ecx
  mov eax,edi
  call GetDynaMethod
  pop ecx
  pop eax
  jz @@err
  jmp esi
  pop ecx
  jmp @AbstractError


dynamic class:
This deals with dynamic class methods.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  class procedure mcd(x:integer); dynamic;
  o: t;
  v_mcd: dynamic t ^ class procedure (x:integer);
  fo: procedure (x:integer) of object;
  o := t.create;
  v_mcd := t@mcd;
  fo := t.[v_mcd];
  fo := o.[v_mcd];


dynamic object:
This deals with dynamic object methods.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  class procedure md(x:integer); dynamic;
  o: t;
  v_md: dynamic t ^ object procedure (x:integer);
  fo: procedure (x:integer) of object;
  o := t.create;
  v_md := t@mv;
  fo := o.[v_md];


variant static:
This deals with non-virtual/virtual/dynamic static methods.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  class procedure msa(x:integer); static;
  class procedure msv(x:integer); static;  virtual;  // disallowed by Delphi
  class procedure msd(x:integer); static;  dynamic;  // disallowed by Delphi
  o: t;
  v_msx: variant t ^ static procedure (x:integer);
  f: procedure (x:integer);
  o := t.create;
  v_msx := t@msa;
  v_msx := t@msv;
  v_msx := t@msd;
  f := t.[v_msx];
  f := o.[v_msx];

Here, CallVarProc and GetVarMethod are new RTL procs.
CallVarProc: Input: esi=proc descriptor, edi=class. Output: (nothing). Preserved: eax,edx,ecx.
  test esi,3
  jz @@abs
  sar esi,1  // extract VMT offset preserving sign
  jnc @@dyn
@@virt:  // ends with 1
  jmp [edi+esi]
@@dyn:  // ends with 10
  sar esi,1  // extract DMT index; strip another bit
  push eax
  push ecx
  mov eax,edi
  call GetDynaMethod  // needs si (the lower 16 bits of esi)
  pop ecx
  pop eax
  jz @@err
@@abs:  // ends with 00
  jmp esi

GetVarMethod: Input: esi=proc, edi=class. Output: esi=proc address. Preserved: eax,edx,ecx.
  test esi,3
  jz @@abs
  sar esi,1  // extract VMT offset preserving sign
  jnc @@dyn
@@virt:  // ends with 1
  add esi,edi
@@dyn:  // ends with 10
  sar esi,1  // extract DMT index; strip another bit
  push eax
  push ecx
  mov eax,edi
  call GetDynaMethod  // needs si (the lower 16 bits of esi)
  pop ecx
  pop eax
  jz @@err
@@abs:  // ends with 00


variant class:
This deals with non-virtual/virtual/dynamic class methods.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  class procedure mca(x:integer);
  class procedure mcv(x:integer);  virtual;
  class procedure mcd(x:integer);  dynamic;
  o: t;
  v_mcx: variant t ^ class procedure (x:integer);
  fo: procedure (x:integer) of object;
  o := t.create;
  v_mcx := t@msa;
  v_mcx := t@msv;
  v_mcx := t@msd;
  fo := t.[v_mcx];
  fo := o.[v_mcx];

Here, CallVarProc and GetVarMethod are new RTL procs.
CallVarProc: Input: esi=proc descriptor, edi=class. Output: (nothing). Preserved: eax,edx,ecx.
  test esi,3
  jz @@abs
  sar esi,1  // extract VMT offset preserving sign
  jnc @@dyn
@@virt:  // ends with 1
  jmp [edi+esi]
@@dyn:  // ends with 10
  sar esi,1  // extract DMT index; strip another bit
  push eax
  push ecx
  mov eax,edi
  call GetDynaMethod  // needs si (the lower 16 bits of esi)
  pop ecx
  pop eax
  jz @@err
@@abs:  // ends with 00
  jmp esi

GetVarMethod: Input: esi=proc, edi=class. Output: esi=proc address. Preserved: eax,edx,ecx.
  test esi,3
  jz @@abs
  sar esi,1  // extract VMT offset preserving sign
  jnc @@dyn
@@virt:  // ends with 1
  add esi,edi
@@dyn:  // ends with 10
  sar esi,1  // extract DMT index; strip another bit
  push eax
  push ecx
  mov eax,edi
  call GetDynaMethod  // needs si (the lower 16 bits of esi)
  pop ecx
  pop eax
  jz @@err
@@abs:  // ends with 00


variant object:
This deals with non-virtual/virtual/dynamic object methods.
See hints on green lines for an unoptimized (and untested) realization in assembler.
type t=class
  procedure ma(x:integer);
  procedure mv(x:integer);  virtual;
  procedure md(x:integer);  dynamic;
  o: t;
  v_mx: variant t ^ object procedure (x:integer);
  o := t.create;
  v_mx := t@ma;
  v_mx := t@mv;
  v_mx := t@md;
  fo := o.[v_mx];

Here, CallVarProc and GetVarMethod are new RTL procs.
CallVarProc: Input: esi=proc descriptor, edi=class. Output: (nothing). Preserved: eax,edx,ecx.
  test esi,3
  jz @@abs
  sar esi,1  // extract VMT offset preserving sign
  jnc @@dyn
@@virt:  // ends with 1
  jmp [edi+esi]
@@dyn:  // ends with 10
  sar esi,1  // extract DMT index; strip another bit
  push eax
  push ecx
  mov eax,edi
  call GetDynaMethod  // needs si (the lower 16 bits of esi)
  pop ecx
  pop eax
  jz @@err
@@abs:  // ends with 00
  jmp esi

GetVarMethod: Input: esi=proc, edi=class. Output: esi=proc address. Preserved: eax,edx,ecx.
  test esi,3
  jz @@abs
  sar esi,1  // extract VMT offset preserving sign
  jnc @@dyn
@@virt:  // ends with 1
  add esi,edi
@@dyn:  // ends with 10
  sar esi,1  // extract DMT index; strip another bit
  push eax
  push ecx
  mov eax,edi
  call GetDynaMethod  // needs si (the lower 16 bits of esi)
  pop ecx
  pop eax
  jz @@err
@@abs:  // ends with 00


Partial method references
static class object
absolute Details Details Details
virtual Details Details Details
dynamic Details Details Details
variant Details Details Details

(To top) Other ideas

Here are some other ideas, not fully specified and only sketched. Keywords are displayed in uppercase letters.

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Last change: 2018-03-26